Marian Spencer Hall
Marian Spencer Hall's unique architecture allows for suite-style rooms, so students can be comfortable in the privacy of their own living space. It is home to multiple living learning and themed communities, and a great place for residents focused on academic success. Students describe it as having a quieter presence and residents have genuine care for their neighbors and buildings. Residents are just a short walk across the bridge from their neighbors at Scioto Hall.
Marian Spencer Hall is home to the Marian Spencer Scholars Living-Learning Communities as well as an Honors themed floor.
Living in Marian Spencer
Marian Spencer Hall has suite-style accommodations for 328 residents. This hall is co-ed by suite, with four people in two bedrooms, connected via a shared bathroom. Each room is furnished with a Twin XL bed for each resident.
Driving Directions
Marian Spencer Hall
2911 Scioto Lane
Cincinnati, OH 45219
Service Desk: 513-556-5135
Delivery services such as Instacart, Kroger Delivery, WalMart+, DoorDash, Grubhub etc., should use this address.
All Mail and Packages
[Your Full Name*], [Your Central Login]
Bearcats Package Center
2715 Bearcat Way
Cincinnati, OH 45219-3539
*We recommend you use your full name as registered in Catalyst, and include a middle initial, for most efficient processing of your packages. Your Central Login (6+2) is required as well.