Uploading Images & Assets

While pages are managed in the sites console, assets such as images or accessible documents are managed in the assets console. Once uploaded, the assets can be used on any AEM page. 

Locating the Assets Console 

After logging in, authors can access the assets console by clicking on the product navigation button in the top left corner that reads "Adobe Experience Manager"

Once the navigation panel drops down, select "assets" and then "files". Select the "web refresh folder". Once opened, locate your college or unit folder. 

Creating Folders

While they are not required, folders are recommended in AEM to better categorize and organize your assets. Adding all of your assets to a single large folder could become unmanageable over time. 

To add a new folder within your assets folder:

  1. Navigate to the location where you would like to create a new folder
  2. Select "create" in the top right corner
  3. Select "Folder" from the drop down menu. 
  4. Add a title for your folder and finish by selecting create. 


If you do not see the blue "create" button in the top right corner after you have selected a folder, you do not have permissions to add files in that location. Ensure that you are in the correct place, or reach out to your apex user to verify which is the correct folder. 

Uploading Assets

Assets are digital images and document files that are intended to be used on an AEM site. Video and audio files are not supported in assets and will need to be hosted by a third-party solution such as youtube or soundcloud. 

To add a new file to your asset folder:

  1. Navigate to the location where you would like to upload a new file.
  2. Select "create" in the top right corner
  3. Select "file" from the drop down menu. 
  4. The picker dialog box will appear, displaying your computer files. Select the file(s) you would like to upload. 


You can select multiple files at once to upload. Press the Ctrl/Command key and select the assets in the file picker dialog. From an iPad, you can only select one file at a time.

Naming Conventions

All assets uploaded to AEM MUST be named with the following rules in mind:

  1. Lowercase letters only
  2. No spaces or underscores - separate words with hyphens.
  3. All file names should be meaningful and descriptive.
  4. Must not contain the following special characters  * / : [ \ \ ] | # % { } ? & 

Document Accessibility 

It is the responsibility of the content owner to ensure that any documents uploaded to their site are accessible. If you aren't sure about the accessibility of your document, please visit the resources for document accessibility on the accessibility network site. Remember, unless a PDF was created with accessibility in mind, it is likely inaccessible.