Quarantine & Isolation

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Quarantine is no longer regularly recommended by the CDC for most individuals after exposure to COVID-19. However, for at least 10 full days after exposure you should take extra precautions.


  • Wear a high-quality mask (N95 or KN95) at all times when indoors including around others in your home and in public places.
  • Monitor for symptoms and if symptomatic get tested immediately
  • Get tested at least 5 full days after exposure even if you are not symptomatic
  • Be extra cautions around others who are more likely to become very sick if infected
Additional information can be found on the CDC website.


Isolation is utilized when an individual has symptoms or is confirmed to have COVID-19 via a PCR test.  


  • Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 or are symptomatic, regardless of vaccination status, must isolate from others for at least 5 full days (day 0 is  the first day of symptoms or the day of the positive viral test for asymptomatic persons).
  • To end isolation after 5 days, you must test negative, have no fever, and have improving or no symptoms. This test does not have to be a PCR test. Rapid antigen tests are accepted. If an at-home rapid antigen test is used, a photo of the test result stick with the test box showing the serial number of the test kit must be submitted to uccovidcheck@ucmail.uc.edu.
  • If you test positive on day 5 you must isolate for another 5 days for a total of 10 days of isolation. You do not need to test on day 10 to end isolation.
  • Wear a mask when around others at home and in public for an additional 5 days.
  • Individuals who are confirmed to have COVID-19 or are showing symptoms of COVID-19 need to isolate regardless of their vaccination status, including while awaiting test results.
  • People with symptoms should isolate even if they do not know if they have been in close contact with someone with COVID-19.